Thursday, February 26, 2009

Response of the Assignment #2 -- What Do You Left When You're Gone?

Above is a music video of the song "When I'm gone" by Eminem.

Because of too much emphasis on the reputation, Eminem neglected of his wife and daughter, even repeatedly deceived them. His daughter followed him all the way from home and his wife tried to suicide, Eminem flied back, the plane he took crashed on the way back. But later Eminem found that it was only a dream and his wife and daughter were still alive. Until then, he found that how much his family meant to him.

It is a moving MV. The little girl who appeared in the video is Slim's daughter Hailie. Silm was busy working all day just as he sang in the song, "Daddy’s writin’a song, this song ain’t gon’ write itself", and his wife was addicted to drugs at that time, so little Hailie became lonely and depressed. In the video, Hailie was asking for their love but was ignored by them. Actually, we can know that Slim loves his daughter pretty much by watching this video.

What impressed me most were the expressions in Hailie's beautiful eyes. She was so helpless that she tried to do something bad to attract Slim's attention. I also saw the ordinary paternal love from Slim who was thought to be punk and unruly by the public.

The lyric "when I’m gone, just carry on don’t mourn" is what Slim said to his daughter times and times to comfort her when he was away from her. Actually, it is just a kind of self-comfort, Hailie would not feel better by hearing this. At the end of the video, Slim was with his family and he finally found that being together, giving Hailie one underdog and watching her swinging by herself are the things that will bring the happiness to the family.

People often focus on the daily affairs dealing with the living but forget what we want to cherish. Slim was gone with his little daughter left, what do you left when you are gone?

Do you forget your children's birthdays because of the abustle work? Do you alienate your best friend because you are busy dating? Do you lose your temper to your parents because you are stuck in your study? Do you regret not to share the limit time with the people you love after you lost them forever? Those most important things in our life gradually go away from us when we are looking for the excuses. Not so much that they are far away from us, better to say that we abandoned them.

Slim has woken up before he lose all, is that also a reminder for us that we should take some actions to perfect our lives? Think about it, there should be many important things in one's life, but do not left someone you love when you're gone, they must be your power and sharer of the happiness.

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