Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Day in My Life

Woke by an alarm clock, I got up at 8:10 while my roommate was still sleeping deeply. It is indeed a challenge for me to get up so early everyday. With my eyes half closed, I put on my clothes and brushed my teeth. Suddenly noticed that it was already 8:40, I rushed out to the cafeteria for my breakfast, sometimes this was the only meal for the whole day. A 15-minute breakfast was already perfect for me. It was bitterly cold today, fortunately, I arrived at my classroom before I was froze in the snowy wind. Having classes made me feel happy and dependable. The discussions held in WRA course made me high and the math problems also made me excited.

Lunch, sometimes becomes impossible for me, because I need to sleep for a while in order to support myself for the rest of the day. After 40 minutes' sleep, I struggled from my bed and went to class again. Facing the screen in the lab, I couldn't describe how sleepy I was. But I had to force myself to concentrate on it, because as a foreigner once I didn't catch up with the class, I would perhaps never catch on it again. It seemed so long before the end of this class. I walked back to my dorm, opened my computer, replied my mother's message, checked the homework for today and began to do it. Luckily, there was not much work to deal with, I watched TV series online after finished doing my homework. That was the most joyful time I had for the day, some juice, some chips and the series I loved.

Time turned to 9:00, it's time to prepare for my work in the cafeteria. I would be working at dish room for 4 hours until 1:30 in the morning. Does it hear weird? It does! A little talk with my workmates, just looked at the clock and waited for the mid-night. Sometimes there are not enough people, I have to handle all the things by myself. Every time when I finish my work at cafe, I feel exhausted and dying. Finding that my roommate had already fallen asleep, I quietly closed the door and went bed quickly. With all the things done, I felt so happy at this moment. Even though tomorrow would also be a busy day, after all, tomorrow is another day.

That's a day in my life, maybe Monday, thanks for watching.

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Cherry--I feel like I've learned a lot about your life from just hearing about one day of it (which was sort of the point of writing something like this...)
