Sunday, February 15, 2009

Analysis of Stan

This is a song .sung by Eminem. It was made from a true story of a Eminem's fan.

The man in the video is called Stan, he was a allegiance fan of Slim and he found himself can't help falling love with Slim. However, his girlfriend had already had a baby for him. Stan felt so spellbound and conflictive. So he decided to write a letter to Slim and pour out all his sorrow and suffering. Dramaticly, his letter was left on the road to Slim, Stan thought that maybe Slim didn't care about him or even laugh at him. With more pressure on his mind, Stan wrote again to Slim, trying to explain himself and get some help from Slim. Unfortunately, the letter was missed again. After a long time waiting, Stan finally lost all the hope and wanted to end his life for relieving. But he thought he couldn't face his girlfriend and the unborn baby, so he chose to end their two's lives, too. In the end, Stan squezzed his girlfriend in the car and drove to the seashore, on the way there, he recorded the last words for Slim to unburden his love to Slim.

It's a sad story. We all don't want to see this miserable ending. When a person faces lots of pressure and difficulties, just like at the heritage of the video, Stan couldn't sleep at night and worried about the cruel reality, he needed someone to support him. But the letters toyed him and the whole world refused him, he had no choice but death.

As an audience, we read the emotions of the video by extending the details in it and the scenes set by the director. Considering the necessity of ideological criticism, can those people who are really in trouble receive the help from the others, even in the area such as United States? I deeply remember Robert's last sentence in the text, he said," We must start with our most beloved icons, not hte ones we profess allegiance to, but those that really have the power to move and shake us. The song "Stan" is really one like that. The first time I watched it, I was moved or even shocked by the story. I felt really sorry for Stan and his family, also for the world we live in. By watching this video, let us think about the lack of emotions between us and evoke the love of every social members.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good start, Cherry. I think this video has a lot going on in it. However, I don't think that it is actually based on a true story. You should do some internet searching on this issue, though.

    I would also like to see you go further with this. Consider this video in relation to what we talked about in class today--is it part of a genre of story? I like what you are saying about people who are in trouble receiving help from others, but I think this text also has a lot to say about the relationship between fans and famous people.

    I think this would be a really good thing to expand on and write about as part of your Genre Portfolio assignment.
